AY 101-004 Summer 2011 QUIZ #3 1. If the surface of a rocky world has few impact craters, this suggests that A) OTHER PROCESSES ARE WIPING OUT CRATERS FASTER THAN THEY FORM. b) its surface is very porous and deep. c) it must have a thick atmosphere. d) the planet has only recently arrived in the solar system. 2. Recent evidence suggests that the Moon shares which property with Earth and Mars? a) ongoing volcanic eruptions. c) strong, global magnetic field. B) ICE DEPOSITS NEAR THE POLES. d) tidally locked rotation. 3. A planet’s internal heat is reflected directly by A) VULCANISM. c) crater size. b) gradation. d) distance from the Sun. 4. The Earth shows many fewer craters than the Moon because A) EROSION WIPES THEM OUT. c) the Moon stops them. b) it gets fewer impacts. d) it has less ongoing volcanic activity. 5. The gas contributing most to the greenhouse effect in our atmosphere is a) carbon dioxide. c) methane. b) ozone. D) WATER VAPOR. 6.The Apollo lunar-landing program was largely motivated by a) science c) territorial claims. B) COLD WAR COMPETITION. d) technological spinoffs. 7. Plate tectonics on Earth entails A) ITS CRUST BEING MADE OF A NUMBER OF LARGE SOLID BUT MOVING PIECES. b) blocks of crustal rock rising and falling. c) new continents appearing from ocean crust. d) movement of continents during ice ages as glacial "plates" appear. 8. We would expect a planet’s primary atmosphere to be rich in A) HYDROGEN AND HELIUM. c) nitrogen and oxygen. b) hydrogen and oxygen. c) CO2. 9. The great puzzle unveiled by the exploration of Mars has been a) how water remains in channels at such low temperatures. B) WHY THERE ARE SURFACE FEATURES MADE BY WATER ON SUCH A COLD AND DRY WORLD. c) how its tiny moons can have such pronounced tidal effects. d) why it shows no impact craters while orbiting near the asteroid belt. 10. The extreme surface temperature of Venus is a result of a) its lack of an ozone layer. C) A RUNAWAY GREENHOUSE EFFECT. b) its weak magnetic field. d) intense volcanic activity.